When it is time for a home inspection, you need someone you can count on. I can be reached by phone, text, or email and am available 24/7 365 days of the year. I will not leave you after the paperwork is done!
One of the most important characteristics of an inspector is being thorough. As an Army veteran, attention to detail comes second hand. No crack or crevice left unchecked.
As a life long resident of Southern/ Central Ohio, I am familiar with the more common issues found with the homes in the Tri-State area. We’ll help you make informed decisions in major property purchases.
FAA Licensed Drone Pilot
A safe and dependable roof over your family’s head is a sense of security like no other. From top to bottom, inside and out, Assured Footing has your home covered!
Moisture in the air? Assured Footing is certified in mold and air quality testing. Call me today and we will find out if that musty smell is something to be concerned about with our top of the line testing equipment
Potential pest problem? We Have you covered! We will comb-over the outside and inside of your home and you will know if treatment for Wood Destroying Insects is necessary.